2025 Production Journal

Suddenly I’m back inside of it. Moving toward sharing this beautiful beast of a project, film by film.

Here you can find post-production notes on films created and directed by me, Jennifer Elster.

Over many years I filmed, both fiction and non-fiction, films …In the Woods (and Elsewhere), Into the Cave, Into the Studio, In My Mirror, The Peculiar Underground, and Of Split Mind. This film work started with a question I had in my mind and the obsessive pursuit for the truth.

I have been a hoarder my whole life. It sounds simple, but it is quite complex when what you hoard is also your work. Currently, I am in my hard drives revisiting ‘what was’ with years of acquired understanding in that balance. It is both strange and exhilarating to return to this puzzlement of work as I also continue to film. I will write here on my findings. Some of it will be very painful, but I believe what is to be gained in the end is nutritious to our collective soul and moving forward as humanity.


I hope you join me on this excursion.

March 7th 2025 Excited like a little kid.

February 24, 2025 I feel like I am just coming out of a cave. Today the weather is great, but the world of politics is devastatingly sad — I’m not going to let it ruin my mindset. That’s the challenge. Anyway, I do think I could move into sharing my film series. The work illuminates understanding humanity in such an unusual way and it is important. I am worried the film series will keep me pinned to the computer at a time when I want to be free. Sing and dance outside. Not be bound. I will find a way to make it all work.

PS A dress I designed (when I was a wee tot) for Shirley Manson of Garbage ‘I Think I’m Paranoid’ video is on auction for LA fire relief. Current bid is 10k in case you want to get it at Julien’s Auction. Shirley is also …In the Woods. Just found out the final secured bid was 31k!!

February 20th 2025 Have a fantastic time.

February 18th 2025 Happy birthday beautiful Yoko!

On Valentine’s Day I was happy to experience her exhibition at Park Avenue Armory. I made a wish for all of us and tied it to her wish tree. 🤍

Here we were in a recording session for my upcoming film series (20 years in the making) In the Woods (and Elsewhere). Of the 16 sequences I wrote for her, the Sequence No. 5 instructional card is on view in the gallery, view here. Her wonderful vocalizations were strewn in the online excursion Itw Pathway. There is a special Ono path which has not been released yet. I saved it. Soon. 💥

Yoko Ono Music of the Mind The Tate Modern London, John Lennon, The Beetles, In the Woods and Elsewhere,

“I did something I’ve never done before.” —Yoko Ono, Twitter

Vocalizations for In the Woods and Elsewhere were written by Jennifer Elster and performed by Yoko Ono at Sear Sound, NYC.

The soundtrack features Hilmar Orn, Daniel Kessler, Joseph Fraoili, Dave Bronson, DJ Spooky, Clay Matthewman, Jennifer Elster, and others who will be announced.

February 16, 2025 Feeling everything. Breaking out of the hyper vigilant survival mode I’ve been in since my heavy duty traumatic childhood. A lifetime of profound work I did to find myself here. Still vigilant, just with an easement. Elevated. What do I want.

💕🌸💕💐💕🌸 Happy Valentine’s Day! 💕🌸💕💐💕🌸

February 12, 2025 How the time passes. I have been busy with all of it and yet not at all too busy. Calibrated. Joyful. Hard won.


December 18, 2024 What a year! Haven’t even had a minute to reflect on it though so deeply inside of myself as of late. Focusing on self at the moment. I wish it for you too.

December 3, 2024 Back from the holidays. I almost gave up some of my time, but caught myself right before it happened. Further organizing.

November 23, 2024 Hello.

November 22, 2024 Organizing presents its challenges. I get overwhelmed with how much I need to do and restless when at my computer for too long, like I have “ants in my pants” (not sure who that quote belongs to). Things being organized in these new ways is reaping benefits. I went out the other night, which is a rarity, and heard some great musicians —who will play at the next party in the gallery. Haven’t felt like having anyone over for a while, but now feeling the holiday spirit. I added artifacts from the …In the Woods (and Elsewhere) series. A Lei and Life Timeline from Robert Foote, PhD and his wife Barbra, and Sequence No. 5 card from my work with Yoko Ono. I wonder where things will go.

November 18, 2024 Making way out of my burrow. Exhilarated. New levels. Organizing.

In The Woods and Elsewhere, Terrence Howard, Boardwalk Empire, Crash, Jennifer Elster short film, Los Angeles, The Development Gallery Film Programming, Tribeca ilm Festival, Cannes Film Festival, Female Filmmaker,

“It’s an equal opportunity to devour.”

—Terrence Howard, …In the Woods and Elsewhere

November 12, 2024

It’s either writing or film that will consume my next year. One equals hibernation while the other keeps me in the world.

First round of the cast will include (in alphabetical order): The Late Karen Black, Alan Cumming, Kent Cullers, Phd, Dr. Robert H. Foote; Phd, Temple Grandin, Phd, Gale Harold, Terrence Howard, Famke Janssen, Liya Kebede, Jorgen Leth, Dave Matthews, Aimee Mullins, Bernie Newcomb, Neal Nicol, Glenn O’Brien, Yoko Ono, Rosie Perez, Will Shortz, Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson, Patrick Upstill, Rufus Wainwright, and Debra Winger.

October 27, 2024

Right now. Right place, right time: I’ve been feeling less hoardy as of late. Learning to give away things I love. Clinging to my possessions fed my inner starving child. Literally and figuratively starving, in countless ways —yet a knowing. As a child I just wanted my things. The things I loved. Usually of no value to anyone else.

Today is the day Robert Foote passed. He was a scientific pioneer. He is in …In the Woods (and Elsewhere). I have a special tribute to him and his wife in the gallery in my The Garden of Artifacts now. A true kind soul.

October 21, 2024 Though my life, as of late, has become quite complex, I am, at the same time more at ease. Trusting intuition. Trusting myself. This is when the risk taking is possible. When you just kind of know. And trust the flow.

The right mindset to tell this puzzlement of work. Getting closer.

October 12, 2024 Hi!

October 10, 2024

I got so worked up about the hurricanes. Two of my closest friends were in the eye.

Brought up that feeling of being hit by the hurricane in our house. The house flooded and a tornado was looming overhead. It’s a frightening circumstance. Traumatic. Thinking of all those affected. The hurricane that hit my house came from the Gulf of Mexico as well.

October 4, 2024

I’m around. Processing. So much, and still enjoying.


Wildland, 2024 | White Horse (series), 2024 | In the Woods (Woodland Series), 2024 | Lucky Coins from Carol Bacon, 2000


September 4, 2024

Summer of white horses, being licked by a bear, and petting wolves; first experiences with amphitheaters and yoga; Amish people in Lancaster and out West; and some spa and beach time too.

In loving memory of the true kind soul, Carol Bacon, who passed away this summer. She gave me my Lucky Coins that I’ve kept in my camera bag throughout all my filming over the years, including filming the “Woods” this summer. Photograph above. I’m ready to delightfully unhoard my art, music, and film collection, and feel more free! I’m out of my hermit state and now want to see the world!

Cheers to Labor Day—may we work efficiently, and not excessively.

*Please push me to share more if I start to disappear.

Now Playing: C’mon Now Baby. Click here to listen.

The Development Gallery is proud to present Quite a Bite, open for this fall Monday-Saturday 11am-6pm. Click here to learn more.

Visit us at The Development Gallery, 75 Leonard Street, Tribeca and begin your journey into the woods.

Jennifer Elster, Art For Sale, NYC, Fine Art, Contemporary Art, Art Collector, Art Curator, Art Gallery, The Development Gallery, The Development Productions, Female Filmmaker

?, 2017

Fine Art Poster

17h x 15w in


August 23, 2024

Filming as of late. Torn where to spend my creative time.

July 9, 2024

Clarity. Been wakin’ up to the roosters crowing on a farm in Pennsylvania. Visited where I lived for a few years when I was a little girl. The first town I lived in, briefly, was White Horse… so super sweet that there is a white horse on this farm 🤍 watch here. Photo inquiry.

June 21, 2024


June 11, 2024

After spending years taking people into the woods, I’d never seen a bear in close proximity. Some were preoccupied with the notion. I always wondered how I would respond if I did see one. This past weekend we went camping and on the way got detoured and far out in the woods and saw a bear.

Ha ha response from woods woman + city girl + country girl living by Amish girl =

“Let’s get the fuck out of here. I’m not up for this randomness.”

Have a great time!

May 16, 2024

Open to chance.

Whatever issues I had with focusing at the head of the year, has dissipated from determination. I just wrapped on the production of the performances of the first iteration of Act I of Ravaged to be One. Moving forward I will see where the wind takes me.

Jennifer Elster, The Development Gallery, Artist, Female Filmmaker, Poet, Poetry, Fashion, Stylist, David Bowie, Trent Reznor, Mademoiselle Magazine, Condé Nast, Garbage Band, Chloe Sevigny,

#tbt These eyes had seen depths of sorrow, survived wraths of the weak and hollow and yet appear as if without a trace. From discernment came grace. Move wisely. In these times, this wilderness, move wildly, too.

March 29, 2024

Breakthrough after breakthrough.

March 18, 2024

I see it now, I chose solitude.

Karen Black, Jennifer Elster, The Development Gallery, The Development Productions, Five Easy Pieces,  New York City, Film, Fashion, Art, Tribeca Film Festival,

Karen Black (actress, Nashville, Five Easy Pieces) is in … In the Woods and Elsewhere. Two songs performed by Karen Black for In the Woods and Elsewhere, will be making their musical debuts.

Sign up for the newsletter here for updates and for videos on Youtube here

“I Went Into the Woods - Here’s about my latest film directed by young genius, Jennifer Elster —and know that...” — Karen Black, Twitter

March 5, 2024

Treasured Gifts in The Garden of Artifacts at The Development Gallery. Years ago I was in the desert and filmed Terrence Howard and Mouchette Bell for my feature film “Into the Cave”. At the time I had recently miscarried and was in a desperate state of depression. (I had no clue what my hormones were putting me through.) During the trip, I met, and spoke for some time, to a kind groundskeeper who was Native American. After we spoke he sent me this pouch (above) filled with good omens. It was such a kind gesture, with nothing for him to gain. He just felt for me. And I present it because, I was, and will always be moved by his generosity of kindness. The second gift is from my friend Chief Perry of the Ramapough Lenape Nation who is in “In the Woods and Elsewhere” and it is a present that marked a full and beautiful circle.

February 26, 2024

Masterminding a way. 🔥

A symphony of sorts.

Still backing up. Problem with one large file. I need to self care. I don’t exercise. Don’t drink water. Don’t moisturize. Another pattern I am currently working to adjust. This goes deep.

Happy to be here.

'“So sensitive. So dangerous.” --Jorgen Leth, subject, filmmaker and poet


Sequence No. 5 T-Shirt available here.

February 26, 2024

Just a little dip into sadness and then back out. Weekly meeting and off to a productive start. Trick is to not get overwhelmed by the amount of media there is. If I can pull this all off it would really be something else altogether. Hopefully I won’t recede in the process.

February 25, 2024

Sad. Feeling sad.

Had a thrilling week of performance and even returned to filmmaking, still sad. Less anti-social. Sad. It is not my inherent nature to be sad. Sad.

Time to get up and do some things I’ve been avoiding.

Jennifer Elster, The Development Gallery, The Development Productions, Female Filmmaker, Tribeca Film Festival, Sundance, Cannes Film Festival, Woods, Nature, beautiful rainbow in woods

February 16, 2024

It’s all moving toward my vision and naturally morphing. Astounding.

The photograph above was taken at one of the hyper-glorious moments when everything was interconnected.

I’m just sitting here, and as if what is needed is presented to me. The way it does, and has. Beautiful.

And major back up done. Well one file didn’t transfer, but still. I was dreading it and now it is done. Feeling lighter.

“Maybe I was really afraid of negative thought“ —Glenn O’Brien

January 27, 2024

I watched the Glenn tape. Wonderful. Somehow I just fell into the soundtrack on my playlist just as I was writing, and then I played a few songs in the gallery. After Glenn I will take a break.

Glenn O’Brien was a founding member of Andy Warhol’s Factory and the first editor of Interview Magazine. He hosted a cable public access show TV Party and wrote and coproduced Downtown 81 starring Basquiat. He was a cultural writer for many leading publications throughout his life.

Glenn O’Brien in …In the Woods (and Elsewhere)

After 17 years of being on my list of important things to do, we have digitized Glenn O’Brien’s tape from …In the Woods (and Elsewhere)

February 14, 2024

🌈❤️💥 Still backing up, but getting there.

February 12, 2024

Been backing up all weekend. Media hoarders have a lot of bandwidth, fyi. Feeling love.

February 6, 2024

Another breakthrough. I’ve been protecting my sweetness, for so long, and I think I’m am just going to be that —knowing full well I am still protected even though I am vulnerable. And the back up of my photos is complete. A victory. Today I was talking to someone and unconsciously said I used to be a hoarder. Past tense. Look forward to getting back to In the Woods.

February 5, 2024

2022. Media managing hasn’t even begun, and may never. Get me out of this back up madness.

Just bitchin’ cause it’s so tedious and I do myself because it’s my phone.

February 3, 2024

Still backing up my phone. Up to 2019. Maybe I could even get a new phone, that works, and I will be able to hear people when they FaceTime me. Maybe. Just saying. What dreams are made of! I’ve buried myself in from all angles with media. So hoardy.

February 2, 2024

After years and years, I am backing up my phone (from 2017). That’s the post. Please send flowers. And pizza.

January 31, 2024

Far in now. I’ve returned to editing the woods. Beginning with Glenn.

Trying to make sure I’m putting my time in the right places. The woods can be all consuming.

I’m going to find the files needed. That would feel really good. I have worry of returning to projects on a computer that is about to bust from bandwidth.

Art Pins, Art, Pins, Accessories, Jennifer Elster, Development Gallery, ?, Harrow Head, Untitled, Wearable Art

Pins, magnets, and more here


January 23, 1024

Last night I had a breakthrough. Fascinating.

January 22, 2024

Make effort.

January 18, 2024

To say the least, I was distracted.

January 17, 2024

Feeling so much lighter at the moment. The usual blockades seem to be dissipating in my daily life. I had overcome so much of the serious hurdles when I was younger, but these pesky patterns were in my way and now aren’t. Today I did something I’ve meant to do for some time.

January 13, 2024

It’s been a rough few weeks of deep introspection, but I cracked a pattern this morning. I will write more on this once processed. It’s tremendous and obvious at the same time. Trauma related.

Watched “Of Split Mind” my film with Karen and I need to finish the credits. That one you can’t unsee. I’m laughing out loud thinking about it.

Karen Black, Jennifer Elster, The Development Gallery, The Development Productions, Five Easy Pieces,  New York City, Film, Fashion, Art, Tribeca Film Festival, Of Two Minds,

Of Split Mind features Karen Black and Jennifer Elster.


January 12, 2024

Examining myself I get completely preoccupied in my own head. I intently focus on my thoughts, complex problems (or nonsense), the problems in the world, whatever else. Embarrassing to say, but even after writing yesterday, I had a call scheduled with someone I very much wanted to speak to. Luckily I got a reminder call —I had forgotten about the call and looked down and my phone had 1%. I made it work, but as usual with struggle. I woke up and couldn’t find my keys. I don’t want to do this anymore. It takes so much time and causes me aggravation. And yet, if I am producing something I can focus hard with meticulous care on every detail and remember twenty peoples things to do list. My usual would be to be hard on myself to try and combat an unsavory pattern, but I’m going to be friends with myself through this.

January 11, 2024

Now having lifted the veil of the hoard (I can make my way through my crap without breaking my toes —paths), what I am left with is facing my impairment to focus on certain things. At times I can make ADD look like a vacation (and I’m not saying that in a bloated proud way like “look how disorganized I am”). How have I come this far and done so much with all of my ailments, I wonder. 55k emails in my inbox. No names in my phone so answering is a crap shoot. My phone is broken so I can’t hear, but I’m so overwhelmed of just the thought of backing up all of my hoarded media on my phone, I opt to just use a headset which I normally can’t find. No matter whose phone number it is —could be on one of the thousand pieces of paper I write on and when I go to call I just can’t find it. I removed one problem to face another. I’m here for it. I am going to struggle through this and fight just like I have fought through my life to be better. This one is so hard. Bound up with so much trauma and also hard wiring. Looking back I feel bad. All of the social things I showed up late for or on the wrong day. The feelings I have hurt just from my inabilty to keep order. I’m seeing it. Luckily in no serious ways, but still.

Interesting to be able to see this so clearly. And I am still.

Happiness is not my problem. Disorganization is.

January 10, 2024

Watching the last cut of my feature film “Into the Cave” was a wild experience. I expected to feel oppositional to its raw and wounded ways. Instead I embraced the film for all of its vulnerabilities. There are a few minor edits that need be made and a replacement of a song and credits.

Now to find the file in my hoard of a hard drive called The Tower (and I never resurfaced -ha ha!).

January 7, 2024

Watched “Into the Cave (and the Mad Pacer)” and “The Wood and The Cave.” and “Of Split Mind”. Wow. Will write more on this.

January 4, 2024

Into this challenge, just curious if I can take this on during this election year.

December 13, 2023

Looking at solitude versus film.

December 6, 2023


November 16, 2023

I will be screening ItW Pathway, No. 1-2, the experimental, audio-visual experiences that work as a precursor to the upcoming film series I created and directed, …In the Woods (and Elsewhere), at The Development Gallery. The cast includes: Jorgen Leth, Temple Grandin Ph.D., Kent Cullers Ph.D. , Liya Kebede, Terrence Howard, Bob Mankoff, Bernie Newcomb, and the Late Karen Black and Glenn O’Brien.

Explore a new way to tell a story and interact within a cinematic experience through pathways that lead to plot twists and interactivity, closer into the world of ...In the Woods (and Elsewhere).

October 19, 2023

Hope everyone is doing okay during these horrific, shared times in our history. While so much seems pointless, I will still pursue bringing these films to light. After all, they are films on humanity, our pitfalls and magnificence too! Deep levels of understanding are needed if we are, to ever get, to a more reasonable and peaceful place in time.

…In the Woods and Elsewhere

The filming of this multi part film series spanned seventeen years.

In the first part, the cast members may include the late Karen Black, Ahmir “Questlove" Thompson, Terrence Howard, Kent Cullers, Phd, Debra Winger, Famke Janssen, Will Shortz, the late Glenn O’Brien, Aimee Mullins, Gale Harold, and Jorgen Leth.

Looking forward to sharing further details.


October 4th 2023

Going back in. Watching the films one by one. Strange experience. Exhilarating too.

Suddenly so simple. And cuing.

Unchartered terrain. 

This is a photo of me from my childhood. There is a Poloroid that my father took of me that is my actual bio picture for the film series, but I need to find it.

Jennifer Elster, The Development Gallery, Female Filmmaker,  Female Artist, NYC, New York City, ADAA, Poetry,

I mostly grew up in NYC, but from around three to seven years old years old I lived in Pennsylvania, Lancaster area, (a lot of Amish people).
I ran free and wild.
My first crush was on a boy named Troy. He was wild too.
At seven I swam for Cancer.
I didn’t really know how to swim so I did the doggy paddle for seventy laps. I had a strong determination and didn’t care what people thought. I still have the certificate.

—Jennifer Elster

Upcoming Film Series PROGRAM

(will share behind the scenes)

The Peculiar Underground features Jorgen Leth and Jennifer Elster.

In My Mirror features Jorgen Leth, Jennifer Elster, and Gale Morgan Harold III.

The series of films will emerge.

A website with all pertinent details will be shared at when we outgrow this page.

Will Oldham, Bonnie Prince Billy, Jennifer Elster, In The Woods and Elsewhere, Film Series, Old Joy, Wendy and Lucy, I see a Darkness, The Letting Go, Ohio River Boat Song,  Spotify, Music Streaming, Rolling Stone, Silver Jews, oohed Ensemble

ItW Pathway: Part I -8 (The Prologue)

During the years of filming there was a precursor: an immersive experience entitled ItW Pathway: Part I which featured Terrence Howard, Will Oldham, Temple Grandin, the Late Glenn O’Brien, Liya Kebede, Julian Schlossberg, Will Shortz, the Late Robert Foote Phd, Bob Mankoff, the Late Karen Black, and Famke Janssen.

A haunting glimpse into the labyrinth minds of the filmmaker and her subjects, where pathways always recede and no one can really say where it’s going other than ...In the Woods (and Elsewhere). The interactive experience is of parallax depth, pushing the limits of the medium in unexplored directions.

Will Oldham in ItW Pathway

The published ItW:Pathways will be reformatted for viewing pleasure and exhibited at The Development Gallery.

The ItW:Pathway Part II featuring Yoko Ono and the finale paths premiere to be announced.

The cast tba

Further details to come.

Shop The Gift Shop here

Jennifer Elster wears “Sequence No. 5” t-shirt


Jorgen Leth wearing the “… In the Woods” t-shirt

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