Nonpartisan Peace
Thank you for visiting Nonpartisan Peace.
There is no discrimination and the only goal is peace.
Discussions and things to do for people who want to work toward a more peaceful reality for everyone.
Please scroll down to learn more about #ProtectOurVote2020, how you can make a difference by taking action in protecting the security of our upcoming elections. Also, if you would like to read words from first campaign on behalf of Net Neutrality by Jennifer Elster and Gloria Steinem, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Re: COVID 19.
Literature, poetry, video art, news updates, letters to Gov. Cuomo, video tips, and art below:
Hackable devices and connections in and to our voting systems need be banned and this can only happen if the public demands it!
This is where we are at folks!
Photograph of Stacey Abrams and Jennifer Elster
June 15, 2020
Dear #blacklivesmatter
“It is from within deep in my soul that I hope #BlackLivesMatter demand the vote be protected as it is being robbed from our brothers and sisters in broad daylight.
We all must come together and support on this!
What happened in the primaries was unacceptable and November could very well be worse.
We must demand proper measures to protect our elections from being hacked by unlawful interference.
We must demand mail in ballots.
We must demand the government fund the US Post Office as it is en route to be defunded, including extra staff, proper PPE, and surveillance of post offices to monitor foul play.
We must demand a strong chain of custody of our #vote which means staying away from digital/internet voting and moving into hand marked paper ballots.
We must demand our vote to be hand counted accurately without using hackable digital devices.
If discrepancies, we must have funds to do a recount.
If we are to use digital at all chain of custody is of utmost concern.
—Jennifer Elster
July 24, 2020
Disturbing Memo reveals Trump’s USPS chief has slowed delivery amid calls to expand voting by mail
To read, click here.
June 8, 2020
Hello! Here I'm reading a letter I wrote dated April 29, 2020.
Letter to Cuomo
I would like to leave my apartment and feel confident in the surroundings outside for myself and fellow citizens. This would entail a citywide disinfectant cleaning of public spaces and people to have the proper PPE for our shared safety.
If you agree, what can you do?
In a peaceful way:
Visit your government officials social media handles and write asking them in comments section to clean streets and continue to supply surgical masks or better masks (ideally each state makes own for revenue: ie. Made in NYS) for mass citizens. Ask friends to comment also.
Face covering made from cloth can go over surgical mask.
According to WHO, but not yet repeated in USA, we need multiple layers in a mask of cloth for protection against Covid 19 —which is beyond obvious and yet people still condense like sardines with just one layer face cloth covering.
Recommend eye protection.
I can go on and on, but a good cleaning from our citizens homes, a good cleaning in public spaces, and citizens wearing ample PPE is a really good start.
You can also call or email government officials.
To obtain free masks at a NYC location near you, click here.
April 29, 2020,
Gov. Cuomo,
Suggestion of plan:
Once the death rate drops to 100 people per day:
Request citizens to clean their homes
deep cleansing of all city streets and public areas.
There is a reason why China and South Korea cleansed their streets so thoroughly.
The virus is sticky and we are still not informed of the duration of time it lives on porous surfaces, etc...
Proper masks should be provided to each citizen as we understand that cloth masks are not anywhere near as protective as proper PPE.
We must call upon our big businesses to produce here in the States (preferably our State).
May 14, 2020
Black light experiment shows how quickly a virus like Covid-19 can spread at a restaurant
Safe Voting during the Covid 19 pandemic.
May 10, 2020
I am focused on Covid 19 at the moment (read below) and the reopening of society.
Additionally, and of equal importance, is being able to have your vote be counted.
Here is an update on how to #ProtectOurVote2020 from unlawful interference during Covid 19 pandemic.
Demand mail in ballots nationally. Internet connected, electronic devices are insecure. The lacking of security in the chain of custody of casting a ballot is absurd. No matter which way you go, our election process is compromised, but by how much will we allow it? We must demand what we need now for a safe and fair election. The experts say Mail In Ballots are safest. Obviously with Covid 19, in person voting could pose many health and safety issues and would be a risk to take for no apparent reason, so we need:
Mail In Ballots Nationally
Demand our government financially support USPS.
Secure the health of the people who work in the post office with proper PPE and safe working conditions.
Surveillance in all post offices.
Hand counted votes so not tallied on hackable devices.
The capability to conduct a full manual recount if significant tabulation problems are uncovered.
That’s a real start right there.
We demand a fair election:
We demand proper measures to protect our election in November from being hacked
by unlawful interference.
We demand mail in ballots. If in person should be hand marked paper ballots.
We demand the government fund the US Post Office as it is en route to be defunded in September.
We demand a strong chain of custody of our #vote.
We demand our vote to be hand counted accurately without using hackable digital devices.
We cannot allow this next presidential election to be hacked!!!
Image for action #ProtectOurVote2020
Print out below sign and take a picture with the sign and spread awareness in your community and on your social media outlets..
“Please print the following image on the Landscape setting from your printer so that the letters are big. Also, it is good to not cover the hashtag with your fingers (which I have done several times). In order to safeguard our election it will take all of us to spread the word among our communities.
There is one simple message of awareness that needs to be raised which is: Don’t Let Our Elections Get Hacked and join this initiative for a safe and fair election.”
Read this article.
Messy. The importance of Post Offices.
This job could employ many and they will all need proper PPE (surveillance needed too)!
Here are some articles and security suggestions from Verified Voting, an academic, nonpartisan, organization working to protect election security.
On how to avoid a repeat of the chaos in Wisconsin (WJLA);
On the need for funding to support election security measures (Bloomberg News);
On the importance of giving election officials time to verify results (American Prospect);
On the dangers of turning to insecure technology like online voting as a solution to voting from home (Washington Post);
On the considerations involved in ramping up vote-by-mail, and managing risks in elections (NPR audio interview);
On why election security is about public health, and not a partisan issue (Al Jazeera); and
Advising the Washington Post editorial board about the dangers of internet voting for their editorial.
Security Recommendations:
Lock it Down Further
Letters Sent to Governor Cuomo’s Office
In addition to all of the required testing ability, tracing, etc… to reopen there are still a few important details that are being overlooked.
April 29, 2020,
Gov. Cuomo,
Suggestion of plan:
Once the death rate drops to 100 people per day:
Request citizens to clean their homes
deep cleansing of all city streets and public areas.
There is a reason why China and South Korea cleansed their streets so thoroughly.
The virus is sticky and we are still not informed of the duration of time it lives on porous surfaces, etc...
Proper masks should be provided to each citizen as we understand that cloth masks are not anywhere near as protective as proper PPE.
We must call upon our big businesses to produce here in the States (preferably our State).
April 16, 2020
For Gov. Cuomo,
I was delighted to see that you extended the lock down for four weeks further and have employed people in NYS wearing a mask in public. We will see a dip in the death tolls. However, to really see the numbers come down, a face mask must be worn in public spaces whether or not there are people around, because the virus lingers in the air (simulations in below email). Under your current order people are only wearing a mask when they can't social distance. In the end it will take longer to control the virus this way. Financially a tougher lock down now will lead to a healthier, safer and a financially stronger NYS sooner.
Kind regards,
Jennifer Elster
Re: URGENT: Four Week Further Lockdown: Providing help to lower spread of COVID-19
April 10, 2020
Dear Gov. Cuomo,
Today when you asked "who saw it coming?" the answer is me.
I saw it coming like a bulldozer.
I had previously written you a letter with references to articles and studies about extending quarantine time to stop the spread.
In this absolutely pressing time I strongly suggest you lock it down further. This is your moment.
Your chance to really get the virus down to manageable. It must be contained. And do not fret, it will make the most financial sense, as well, in the end. As we know, it remains in the air thereafter.
Here is my suggestion: Lock it down further for four weeks time. If you do the four week lock down it will run its course through many by then and give good quarantine time. And then take it from there. Also, gives time to get the plan underway for proper re assimilation as that is obviously its own mountain. I refer you first to two articles which both include simulations of the way in which the virus spreads. One from Belgian and one from Japan.
-Simulation in times of Covid 19 you can not walk, run, bike, close to each other. Biking, running, must stop. No exercise outside folks, sorry. And period.
-Simulation of Covid 19 spreading in air through talking.
Obviously one must conclude everyone must wear a mask and not in the situation CDC has recommended today which was if you can't social distance. Social distance does not matter when it lingers in the air. Everyone needs to wear a mask. No biking, no running. Four weeks serious lockdown now.
*Additionally, as per my prior letter, and which I know would be hard to do, 28 days for isolation after first testing negative after having been positive of Covid 19. Weekly tests for four weeks thereafter (I know this will be tough, but would be best).
watch art video here
Human Stockpile image and poem by Jennifer Elster
Frontliners need, at the least, be protected from Covid 19.
Relevant links here to help spread cutting awareness on the Coronavirus COVID-19. Keep coming back and sign up for newsletter.
South Korea doctor speaks on why they managed virus well as oppose to America
Reading aloud letters (actual letter below) to Gov. Cuomo
Sent to Governor Cuomo’s Office March 25, 2020.
Under Mayor de Blasio’s current “Grab-and-Go” children under 18 can pick up their food from 400 public school buildings in NYC. This effort was a great first step but now it must transition as it puts these children and their families at risk --as well as sustains a density in NYC on a daily basis. If a single mother gets sick who will care for her child? An immediate revision to Grab-n-Go would be to supply for one weeks food at pick up which would result in families commuting less, therefore reducing density of all of these families in public spaces from 7 days down to 1 day. Then perhaps Jeff Bezos of Amazon or Jason Ackerman of Fresh Direct could configure a sign up for weekly delivery of food for children. Delivery service will further reduce the density. Thereafter, enhance our Food Stamps program to properly care for these children nutrition and phase out direct delivery to allow children and their parents/caretakers to retrieve their own food.
Sent to Gov. Cuomo’s office on March 19, 2020
*a few revisions thereafter but same content.
RE: Urgent: This is of urgent matter to the health of our citizens. I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Dear Gov. Cuomo,
Thank you for your courage and endurance during these challenging times.
As per your address to the Press I felt it was of immediate urgency to contact you in regard to your statement allowing the woman who was infected with COVID-19 back into the work force after she had tested negative. This would be a dangerous precedent to set as it has been proven, through recent cases, that there have been relapses which have even been fatal. Whether the reoccurrence of the virus was due to a weakened immunity and secondary exposure, faulty testing, or if COVID-19 simply reoccurred is unknown. It is also true that COVID-19 has taken as long as 27 days before developing and the virus has stayed in the system for 14 days after the virus’ symptoms have ceased.
What does this mean?
There should be a weekly test for a 4 week period after testing negative.
People should be quarantining themselves for a 4 (28 days) week period to discern if they have been infected (as oppose to the 14-day quarantine recommended), or we could potentially continue to needlessly reinfect our communities.
Please refer to research articles below.
To introduce myself I am a native New Yorker, an innovative thinker and complex problem solver, artist and advocate for Social Justice, who lived through, and up close to, the AIDS epidemic breaking, 9/11 and Sandy and now COVID 19. I am an Italian American/Irish woman who grew up in the underground art and dance scene in the 80's in NYC. I lived in the most impoverished and dangerous welfare hotel and went to the roughest high school at the time in NYC, Louis D. Brandeis. When I was told I would be jumped with guns, I left school and enrolled in and put myself through NYU and graduated with honors. I am a fighter. I have been a great success in my life and in handling both danger and disaster and I believe my mind can be of service to you. (Biography below). I am forward thinking, efficient and effective in survival methods. For every problem I think solution. I’ve made it through dire times and many tragedies, deeply effected, but with a smile as I am an eternal optimist. I have been tweeting to you, daily, voicing my opinions which I believe have been consistently on point and also much ahead of the curve. I have some important deductions of information regarding the COVID-19, timely and urgent deductions. I would like to voluntarily contribute to your task force. I hope that someone from your team might contact me immediately.
As per the following research on COVID-19:
Wall Street Journal Virus did not show up in the system until 27 days after exposure:
The Lancet Zhou, Fei. “Clinical Course and Risk Factors for Mortality of Adult Inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a Retrospective Cohort Study.” The Lancet, 9th Mar. 2020.
In this retrospective medical study, doctors state that in Wuhan China they had a case of up to 37 days of viral shedding starting from the onset of illness in one patient. They found the median viral shedding to be upwards of 20 days within the 191 patients they studied. This finding suggests that the previously released information informing citizens that there is a 14-day incubation period is wildly inaccurate. This article was released through the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet. It is among the world's oldest, most prestigious, and best known general medical journals. The article itself received funding through the acclaimed Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences.
Campbell, Denis. “The Big Question over Coronavirus – Can a Person Get It Twice?” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 16 Mar. 2020.
This article explores the possibility and question of persistent infection of COVID-19. Expert of virology at Leeds University, Prof. Mark Harris shares that there is astounding evidence of persistent infections of animal coronaviruses, specifically in bats. Due to a lack in antibody tests for the virus this theory can not be proved, although this article stresses the reasonable nature of chronic infection as reports of the occurrence are being reported now world-wide.
Su, Alice. “They Survived the Coronavirus. Then They Tested Positive Again. Why?” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 13 Mar. 2020.
This article discusses the now common trend of contracting COVID-19 multiple times. One patient discussed in this article tested positive for the virus just three days after being sent home from supposedly being “recovered” from the virus just days prior. Another patient died from the virus just five days after his discharge from the hospital. The article states that scientists in and outside of China are certain that the virus could be causing permanent damage to the human immune system, causing a severe and sudden drop in the humans ability to fight of any infections or diseases. In which case, anybody who has contracted the virus should remain in quarantine far longer than the recommended 14-days.
Wölfe, Roman, and Victor M. Corman. “Virological Assessment of Hospitalized Cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019.” MedRxiv, Mar. 2020.
This article discusses the findings of medical professions in Germany who provide a detailed virological analysis of COVID-19. They found that the shedding of viral RNA from sputum outlasted the end of symptoms upwards of 12 days. The article continues on emphasizing the horrific implications that pressures of early exposure to newly “cured” individuals can have on their environment and vise versa. This article was found through MedRxiv, which is a Yale University run online archive and distribution server for complete but unpublished manuscripts in the medical, clinical health sciences. Authors affiliations of the study include the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin ( one of Europe's largest university hospitals) and University Hospital LMU Munich.
Biography Jennifer Elster
A native New Yorker, Jennifer Elster is a writer, director, artist and founder of The Development, a multi-faceted studio based in NYC. A thinker and artist, Elster's work offers a deep and direct awareness of the human condition and our current world crisis. She has collaborated on various projects with such notables as the late David Bowie, Marlo Thomas & Yoko Ono, to name a few. Her most recent shows include the solo art exhibitions, The Retrospective of and Extroverted Recluse and The Wake the F*ck Up Show, where Elster put forth a direct and poignant dialogue for our times in multimedia exhibitions. Using words, paper, canvases, film, photographs, audio, video & performance art, Elster explores ways to educate an audience to the severity of our current reality, as well as the beauty. Under her social justice activism banner Nonpartisan Peace, she has advocated to safeguard Net Neutrality: Net Neutrality = Democracy, a campaign she wrote with Gloria Steinem, and to safeguard our elections from foreign adversaries interference: Protect Our Vote 2020. A survivor of many tragedies, Elster cuts through to the artery to move the human conversation further along. Currently she is working to help with COVID-19 and will soon be doing an art exhibition. Additionally, Elster created and directed the upcoming film series, …In the Woods (and Elsewhere), which features Terrence Howard, Debra Winger, Dave Matthews, Will Shortz, Rosie Perez and many others.
@JenniferElster Special thanks to my core family, friends, and assistants who help me raise awareness during these challenging times.
POST SCRIPT (new articles):
Article which discusses patients testing negative then positive after infection:
Cheng, Amy, and Feng, Emily. “Mystery In Wuhan: Recovered Coronavirus Patients Test Negative ... Then Positive”, NPR, 27 Mar. 2020.
Article: Covid 19 testing positive in patients but positive in feces:
“COVID-19 Found in Sputum and Feces Samples after Pharyngeal Swabs Are Negative”, Neuroscience News, 30 Mar. 2020.
Stay Home Stay Safe
—Jennifer Elster March 10, 2020
Hygenic Tips During Covid 19 Outbreak in United States
The following two videos were posted on Instagram on March 17th and are some tips to stay safe in your home.
It’s in the Sand
— Jennifer Elster March 11, 2020
—Jennifer Elster March 2020
#ProtectOurVote2020 CALL TO ACTION:
To maintain a healthy democracy, we need evidence based elections in the U.S. Fortunately, we know how to validate the results of an election, even one that has been hacked. But in order to do that, we need to reform our voting technology and some of our voting laws and procedures.
Here is what we need:
1. Voter hand marked paper ballots everywhere;
2. A strong chain of custody of those ballots for each step;
3. Rigorous post-election ballot audits (called Risk Limiting Audits) that check the machines that tabulate the paper ballots before the election results are finalized;
4. The capability to conduct a full manual recount if significant tabulation problems are uncovered.
If we do not have a paper (Voter Hand Marked Paper Ballot) to cross check the digital vote we will have no way of tracking if the machine was hacked.
What can you do?
CALL FOR ACTION to #ProtectOurVote2020:
Call the election officials in the states where they have paperless voting machines, such States as Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas, and request Voter Hand Marked Paper Ballots, a chain of custody, audits and the ability to do a full recount if problems are uncovered.
How do you do that?
Step 1:
Go to . That will bring up a map of the US. You can either click on a state on the map or select a state from the pull down window on the upper left hand side.
Step 2:
Walking through an example, suppose you choose Pennsylvania. That will take you to . On the upper right hand side, you'll see a box with info about PA, including names and contacts of the key statewide election officials.
Step 3:
Next, you can choose a county in PA, either by clicking on the PA map or by using the pull down window on the upper left hand side. Suppose you choose Bucks County, which is . You'll see that the entire state map is white aside from a bit on the right hand side of the map, which is brown. That's Bucks County. It's brown because folks there are voting on paperless voting machines, called Direct Recording Electronic or DREs. In addition, there is a box on the right hand side that contains info about Bucks Co, including the name and contact info of the chief election official there.
Step 4:
Call them and ask them to Protect Our Vote 2020 !
Does that make sense? I know it's annoying to do, but will be so worth your while.
The above call to action information was provided by Barbra Simons of Verfied Voting. If you don’t feel like calling, consider making a donation to Verified Voting now!
Also, there are social media materials below if you would like to spread the word online or protest.
Social Media for action #ProtectOurVote2020
Print out below sign and take a picture with the sign and spread awareness in your community and on your social media outlets..
“Please print the following image on the Landscape setting from your printer so that the letters are big. Also, it is good to not cover the hashtag with your fingers (which I have done several times). In order to safeguard our election it will take all of us to spread the word among our communities.
There is one simple message of awareness that needs to be raised which is: Don’t Let Our Elections Get Hacked and join this initiative for a safe and fair election.”
— Jennifer Elster June 26 2019
#ProtectOurVote2020 Social Media
For social media and/or circulation please use the #ProtectOurVote2020 hashtag, and if you’d like you can download the following images with wording.
“Naomi Klein, Laurie Anderson and myself care about #ProtectOurVote2020
Join the initiative to safeguard our election systems from being hacked by getting involved.
Securing our election systems is crucial for America and the worlds well being and the cause needs you:
CALL TO ACTION use downloadable social media posts for upload, and/or if you would like please print the sign and take a picture of yourself holding it up (just as we did) and say something like:
Don’t let our 2020 election be hacked: #ProtectOurVote2020 and join the initiative for a safe and fair election.
If this isn’t your bag consider making a donation to an organization devoted to securing our election systems.
So let’s spread the word!”
—Jennifer Elster June 26, 2019
“Thank you to my friend Chief Perry of the Ramapough Lenape Nation for supporting the #ProtectOurVote2020 initiative to safeguard our election systems against hacking.
CALL TO ACTION visit link in bio to find downloadable #social #media posts you can upload, or if you prefer you can print the materials and take a picture of yourself holding it up (just as we did) and say something like:
Don’t let our election be hacked: #ProtectOurVote2020 and join the initiative for a safe and fair election.
If we don’t do this collectively, all efforts on behalf of campaigns will be a waste of time. This is urgent!
And special congrats to Chief Perry for recently receiving the Radical #Leadership #Award from the Center of Constitutional Rights for his staunch activism on behalf of Native American rights.
—Jennifer Elster June 25, 2019
May 5th, 2019
For social media and/or circulation please use the #ProtectOurVote2020 hashtag, and if you’d like you can download the following images:
November 2018
An important time, as any so far, to donate to Stacey Abrams.
Just vote
August 1, 2018
"Kicked back with Bobby Joe on the back roads, talking history of the Civil War and the Battle of Rich Mountain in Randolph County, West Virginia. Spent the day in the town where the second battle in the Civil War occurred and was won by the Union.
I'm having a most incredible time, but I never lose sight that tension is tight in America.
And as I always say (and many can't fathom – yet), the extreme division in this country makes another civil war actually possible."
Bobby Joe and I never exchanged which political party we belonged to.
April 2018
And we lost a fight that will bite us for a very long time. Net Neutrality.
May 16, 2018
The Senate voted to restore Net Neutrality. This is a victory. Now it's time to take the vote to the house!
May 14, 2018
"The South needs diverse leadership to broaden their mentality. Stacey Abrams is campaigning to become the first female, black Governor... in Georgia! She lays it out. Her family grew up poor in the Deep South, her brother was a heroin addict and has been locked up several times, she herself has her own financial debt to the government, and yet she still managed to problem solve her way through. Stacey graduated from Yale and has been the House Minority Leader for the Georgia General Assembly for seven years. I'm giving her a hug here because I heard a woman's voice who cares and who understands how to get in there and fix social issues. I don't agree on every topic with her, but I see her as an important and qualified force to make a change for better in America. Take a moment to donate to her campaign by going to
Even if you give five dollars. Give to altering the nasty course we have been on in this country and #support her campaign. I did. It will make you feel better about your day."
– Jennifer Elster
Stacey Abrams and Jennifer Elster
Get behind Stacey Abrams for governor of Georgia and donate to her campaign NOW.
May 9, 2018
TAKE ACTION NOW: With ease call or Tweet Congress to let them know you care about our democracy online. Save Net Neutrality. Check the scoreboard for who is for and against Net Neutrality. DO NOT DELAY!
May 4, 2018
Get behind Stacey Abrams for governor of Georgia and donate to her campaign NOW. I believe she has the heart and the determined ability to make an important difference in the South. This is the immediate type of change that is needed.
April 10, 2018
Call or Tweet Congress to save Net Neutrality. Check the scoreboard for who is for and against Net Neutrality and TAKE ACTION NOW:
February 23, 2018
TAKE ACTION NOW to raise awareness that we only need #OneMoreVote
The FCC published the final notice of the repeal in the Federal Register, which starts a 60-day clock until the rules are removed. The effective date for the repeal is April 23. The publication of the repeal in the Federal Register is an important procedural milestone because it sets into motion a countdown for challenging the rule change.
The online protest on February 27 is called Operation: #OneMoreVote and is organized to get that final vote we need.
TAKE ACTION. Do not lose endurance:
Protest and Tag #OneMoreVote on February 27th online.
Call Congress at the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 (an operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request).
Text MISSION to 384-387 to contact Congress and stop the FCC.
Easily email Congress here.
Visit your lawmaker’s office sometime between 12:00pm-1:00pm on February 27th and encourage your lawmaker to be an Internet hero by supporting the congressional effort to save Net Neutrality.
Use this Net Neutrality CRA scoreboard to find out which one of your lawmaker’s still has not come out in support of the Net Neutrality CRA vote, then find their local office here.
#OneMoreVote campaign is ultra important!
Make your mark online
Original artwork by Jennifer Elster
January 9, 2018
"Continue to stand up for
Net Neutrality
aka our ability
to communicate
in an open internet to
fight injustice" – Jennifer Elster
Fantastic news.
"A Senate bill that would reverse the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to repeal Net Neutrality received its 30th co-sponsor on Monday, ensuring it will receive a vote on the Senate floor." The Hill, read more:
December 28, 2017
Sign petition for Congress to use the Congressional Review Act to overturn the FCC's repeal of Net Neutrality.
Sign the petition NOW!
December 14, 2017
The Federal Communications Commission has repealed Net Neutrality. Congress can still overrule this FCC vote!!
Do not lose endurance. Call Congress at the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. An operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request, or text BATTLE to 384-387 to contact Congress.
Artwork by Jennifer Elster
December 1, 2017
(Updated December 11, 2017)
Gloria Steinem and I have come together to stand up for Net Neutrality (read below).
What is Net Neutrality? Net neutrality is the principle that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) like Comcast, AT&T and Verizon must not discriminate or favor any particular content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication. Internet service providers are prohibited from intentionally blocking, slowing down or charging specific websites, and online content to reach consumers faster.
Gloria and I have written the following text, suggest the following actions, and hope you will take this topic as seriously as we do.
Are you afraid of losing your online freedom? You should be. The FCC is about to repeal the rules of Net Neutrality by a vote on December 14th. Here are some actions that can save our internet freedom:
Removing Net Neutrality will allow ISPs to impose a class infrastructure online, dividing the haves from the have nots. The internet will have a tiered payment plan for the online content and services you create, use and love: fees for fast lanes will leave behind those that are unable to afford the extra charges. Imagine walking on certain sidewalks only if you pay. That is the way ISP's will be able to distance the less powerful forever. Large businesses will eat small businesses -- and with no legal recourse. Even big business now has limits of monopoly. In cyberspace, it will have none.
Without Net Neutrality, ISPs will be able control the speed and quality with which certain information reaches you, thus curating the content of your online life. The independent voices of small media outlets, of people in need, and of protesters could be stifled if they are in conflict with the agenda or bottom line of the ISP. Their content could be blocked altogether. As bad as the news is, it is far worse to not know what is really going on. Our safety and our democracy are at stake.
Repealing Net Neutrality is a threat to both our freedom of speech and our ability to read and hear the speech of others. The internet was created as an open space, unlike cable TV. Without Net Neutrality, it could turn into slums and gated communities.
Do you want corporations curating everything you hear, read and see? This is already a problem given the power of advertising -- of ads that reward the number of clicks, not the accuracy of the content. To repeal Net Neutrality could be the equivalent of giving most people pencils while the rich are on satellites.
Net Neutrality preserves our democracy online -- the place many and perhaps most people in the world now talk to each other. We are also divided by illiteracy, no electricity, water scarcity, and much more. Don't let the FCC destroy our major way of fighting injustice."
1. has made it fast and simple to email and call your Senators and Representatives. ACT NOW. Do both!
Let the FCC know that they are threatening our very democracy by proposing the abolishment of Net Neutrality.
2. Email members of FCC whose current position is to repeal Net Neutrality. ASK AJIT PAI TO REMOVE THE NET NEUTRALITY REPEAL FROM THE DECEMBER MEETING.
Original artwork by Jennifer Elster:
Act now – and come back tomorrow for more information.
Sign up for the latest news and updates here.